
Out of frustration

Hi all, I have finally figured out how to add my classmates' links to my blog by following Kiat's instructions. Thanks, Kiat!
Today, I would like to share some of the links I like for my own interests and teaching.
This is a link about business English. The best part of it is the downloadable materials that you can adapt and modify for your own lessons.
Another link I would like to introduce is this:
This is a link about pronunciation. There are videos, interactive quizzes and activities, etc. for you and your students to improve spoken English.
Another link is also from the same website.
I haven't got time to enjoy the materials in this link yet but I think the topic 'Innovations in teaching' may interest you so I put it here for your ease of reference.
Finally, if you want something funny and entertaining, why don't you try the link below.
It's now also on Youtube.



I feel very frustrated about using the Blog as I don't know how to create a link to the blogs of my classmates. Can someone give any help?


My first blog post

This is my first blog. I feel excited but thrilled at the idea of having my own blog. This platform is for sharing and reflecting on my own experiences in using technologies in the language learning context. My own experiences of techonology for language teaching is very narrow and limited. Although the idea of implementing new technologies into language classrooms has long been introduced to teachers in my institution, not many of us have actually used them on a regular basis due to the tight teaching schedule.
Recently, there has been a reform underway in our curriculum developement as a result of the implementation of NSS. Despite the fact that my institution is not a main-stream school, the NSS has brought us new challenges and opportunities in the new curriculum design as we need to maintain our competitive edge and status in the society. One of the major components of our language curriculum design is notional learning within which students are required to engage themselves in a e-learning platform with games, exercises and sound tracks, etc. provided . The provision of e-learning platform aims at enabling learners to learn by themselves anytime, anywhere they like.
Upon the completion of this course, I hope I can know more about some latest technologies that can be used in language learning and teaching so that I can arouse the learning interests of my students by using them.